Cancer Season Awakens Your Inner Mother to Rebirth Your Dreams Into the Remaining Year 

It’s the season of the inner mother, the propelling force toward a fun-filled and youth driven summer. But first! Yes, but first she requires you to retreat into the emotive waters of your internal realms. As the sun moves into Cancer this Saturday, June 17, 2023 all things home, family and the inner child are yours for taking. During the next coming weeks, the assignment is to dust the corners of your psyche, open the doors of your heart, and lovingly guide the child within. 

If June sets the centerfold of 2023, how have your efforts contributed to the completion of your intentions for the year? There’s no rush here. You don’t need to change anything. You don’t need to pick up all of your aspirations and scramble around to try and get things done. The jewel is discovered by slowing down and dancing with what Cancer brings to the surface. The deep and intuitive qualities of this sign give you the grace to retreat into your internal winter just before summer is set ablaze.

Whether Cancer season guides you to make space for emotional processing, physical clearing, or cozy nights by the fire pit, we’ve got you covered with soft girl tender loving care. By the way, did anyone tell you how good softness looks on you?

‘Soft Girl Summer’ Sets the Tone for A Sizzling ‘Hot Girl Summer’

Cancer season is the “get ready with me” video you make while Lana Del Rey playing in the background. It’s an intimate video blog where you show off your favorite jewels, makeup and interior design touches. You know… All of the things that bring you comfort and make you feel safe. It’s also the video blog where you dish out your inner most realizations and emotional navigations. Think of it as a video to your future self. You’re telling future you everything you’re processing and all of the dreams you aspire to achieve. In this multidimensional fabric of reality, will the future you thank you for during this season?

Let the corners of your mind soften, invite your soul tribe over and indulge in an intimate slumber party. With Saturn retrograde occurring on the first day of Cancer season, you’ll be encouraged to mother yourself with tenderness. Since Saturn is known as ‘father time’ bearing harsh lessons, its retrograde energy gives us space to ease up on ourselves. You’re already doing a phenomenal job. So, ease up, invite your friends over and indulge in the company of your support circle. 

The safety you cultivate within is all around you and this weekend is the perfect time to enjoy it with those you feel seen and loved most by.

Wash the Slate Clean with the New Moon in Cancer

The darkest night steadily approaches this Saturday, June 17, bringing the Cancer new moon center stage. You are supported in utilizing this weekend to dream up the trajectory for the rest of the year. Connect with this sign’s elemental by blessing yourself in the ocean or running yourself a bath with salt as you adorn the airspace with your favorite essential oils. These are the details that set the tone for your subconscious mind to unwind and unsurface any dreams ready to be materialized before the year ends. 

Take some time to journal with your favorite Moonstone crystal afterward or treat yourself with our hand-picked African moonstone sphere to amplify the wisdom of your inner depths and emotional wisdom. This iridescent stone, and it’s many varieties, is known for its dreamy capabilities and ability to drive fertility to one’s creative pursuits. 

The Summer Solstice Supercharges Your Confidence and Ignites a Fresh Start

If you couldn’t already tell, this month is all about beginnings. Summer brings the gusts of change turning your pages to a new chapter. What adventures will you add to the storyline? What perspectives will you shift? How does your animated expression add to the mix? The sun clearly has an agenda and it's guiding you to own your personal will and trust in how you navigate the opportunities just waiting to shine on your brilliant soul. 

Set the Vibe Right with SOULSHINE

Whether June’s got you feeling #summertimesadness blues or ignited with wonder for all that is in store, Cancer season reminds us not to get too wrapped up or ahead of ourselves. Summer is a party and every great gathering is always set off with a solid pre-party.

Treat yourself to intimate gatherings and dinner parties on the social front. Take a reprieve from “should-haves” and monotonous to-do lists on the personal end. It’s the calm before a legendary summer, so come on into SOULSHINE for quality company, nourishing events and intuitive readings. Our space is carefully curated to make you feel right at home and we can’t wait to hear all about what you have envisioned for your new beginning.

Have you heard about our weekly hydrotherapy series?

Cool off from the rising temperatures with our multifaceted weekly summer hydrotherapy offering. Combining powerful modalities like sound healing, hydrotherapy and reiki healing, we gather in community to keep the energy clear, fresh and renewed. Bring your friends, meet like-minded souls and let the vibration flow through you. Spaces are limited so be sure to reserve your space in advance here. We can’t wait to see you!

P.S. If you’re not comfortable getting in the water, you are welcome to enjoy our lounge chairs and cushioned foot ottomans for your comfort.


Maximize Personal Magnetism and Charisma with Big Purr Energy


Gemini Season 2023: Social Activation, Mythology, and Integrating Dualities