Maximize Personal Magnetism and Charisma with Big Purr Energy

Have you ever encountered someone who just effortlessly captivates everyone around them? They possess this irresistible charm that draws people in, leaving a lasting impression. It is mesmerizing and perplexing all at once. Perhaps they’re born with it? Possible. Maybe it’s Maybelline? No, that’s not it. It’s definitely a secret third thing? Nooo, not it either. 

This magnetic quality, known as personal magnetism, has the power to influence and inspire others to make bold decisions and be their very best selves. It can also yield darker results if not harnessed with integrity. Since charisma can also open doors and create opportunities, it only feels fitting to explore the art of embodying this captivating force this Leo season.

Introducing Leo Season: THE Time to Shine 

Leo season is all about taking up space, being in the sun, and letting the world know you have arrived! What better way to get this important work done than by embodying the inherent qualities that make up one of the hottest seasons of the year? 

Ruled by the sun, people born under the sign of Leo are known for their natural charisma and magnetic presence. However, you don’t have to be a Leo or carry Leo placements in your chart to infuse the qualities of the celestial lion-like loyalty, leadership, courage, etc.… Their ability to exude confidence and authenticity and inspire others are all characteristics we can all embody. 

What if I’m shy… Can I still exude magnetism and charisma?

Absolutely. People often confuse confidence with being loud and animated. This is not always the case. You don’t have to be the life of the party to carry a strong gravitational pull. You don’t have to act out of integrity to be magnetic.

Think about how the sun operates. It’s not doing anything out of character to shine. The sun isn’t trying to impress anyone. Instead, the sun’s natural qualities carry a strong gravitational pull that all the planets can’t help but orbit around it. 

Cultivating the natural qualities within to carry a powerful gravitational force requires self-awareness, personal growth, and intentional development. Exuding magnetism comes from within, and Leo season inspires just as much time in the sun as it does in the lion’s den.

5 Embodiment Practices to Exude Confidence and Let Your Soul Shine from Within

There is a time and place for that whole “fake it till you make it” vibe… It was like 10 years ago and soooo in the past. These days we stand in our strengths and let our experiences guide the next evolution of our growth. 

If you have just 10 minutes in the morning, which I know you do, these embodiment practices will catapult your confidence levels in ways you may not even be prepared for (in the best way possible, of course). 

You can choose one to practice for a full week, or you can rotate a few of these selections. The important thing is to do this in the morning as it sets you up on a solid foundation before external factors start shooting across the sky. Remember, you are the sun.

Power Pose 

Adopt a power pose, such as standing tall with your chest open and your hands on your hips, for a few minutes each day. You can add this to your yoga practice if you’re already practicing.  

This physical posture can boost your confidence and help you embody a sense of personal power. If you don’t have a personal yoga flow, you can reap the same benefits by standing tall every morning. Hmm… Maybe after brushing your teeth in front of the bathroom mirror? Give yourself a wink and a smile while you’re at it. 

Mirror Work 

Spend a few minutes each day looking into your eyes through a mirror. This is one of my favorite self-love practices, and it carries a profound level of healing, forgiveness, and installation of sacred charisma. Perhaps its power is held within the proximity to self and the commitment in sitting through 10 minutes of whatever comes up. Tiger eye is a great stone to work with as it keeps you grounded and focused while also boosting inner confidence. 

As you delve into this practice, start by setting an intention of unconditional love. You might sit in silence or affirm positive statements about yourself. Speak confidently and authentically, reinforcing your self-belief and radiating magnetism. You’ll feel your voice deepen, and you’ll feel the strength cultivated within from such a simple approach.

Mindful Breathing 

Whenever we feel out of whack, insecure, or a little shy, it often has to do with us not feeling safe in our bodies. Practicing deep, intentional breathing exercises is the best way to center yourself and calm any nervous energy. You’re already breathing to stay alive. Why not breathe to shine and to thrive? 

Mindful breathing can be done anywhere, anytime! Whether you are in the car or preparing for bed, deep breaths expand your presence and allow you to project a sense of calm confidence. It tells your physical and spiritual centers you are safe to be here, safe to shine.

Visualize Success 

If you can see it, you can achieve it. A lot of us carry big dreams, and that is proof that there is a magnetic center within. Close your eyes and vividly imagine yourself succeeding in a specific area of your life where charisma and magnetism are required. 

Visualize the details, emotions, and positive outcomes, reinforcing your belief in your abilities and boosting your confidence. Pyrite is a powerful crystal ally in amplifying this exercise because of its abundant qualities and ability to keep the mind in a positive state. 

True Self-Expression 

One of the greatest things you could do to amplify your magnetism is to be yourself! I know it sounds so simple, but we are electromagnetic beings for crying out loud. If gratitude brings more abundance into your life, then true self-expression is the animated form of giving thanks. Show up for life as your true self, and if you feel shy to do this around others, do it in the privacy of your own space until it feels natural. 

Embrace and express your authentic self without fear of judgment. Dance in the kitchen, sing in the shower. Feel what it feels like to be fully alive and completely yourself. Once you feel it, let it shine in public. Whether through your style, speech, or creativity, allow your true self to shine, attracting others with your genuine presence. You never know who you’ll inspire, and that is what being magnetic is all about. 

BONUS: Cultivate a Growth Mindset

It doesn’t matter how much “work” we do or how many green juices we drink after yoga. If you aren’t watering the garden in your mind by embracing challenges as opportunities, you won’t be able to keep your magnetic field strong. Embody resilience and a willingness to take risks, knowing that setbacks are temporary and part of the journey. Feed that might lion heart of yours with things that inspire you to become better and you’ll always be sure to dazzle.

Remember, embodying confidence and magnetism is an ongoing practice. Consistency and self-awareness are key. Choose the practices that resonate with you and incorporate them into your daily routine to cultivate and sustain your magnetic presence. Alright, can I get a BIG purrrr? ;)


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