Harmonizing the Inner Scales—Because Balance Is Dead

The scales dance as they sway in your favor. Libra season is here to carry us through a potent month ahead as we descend into the buzz and tranquility of Autumn and winter. What changes are you experiencing? How can you look through the lens of harmony to integrate and embody new dreams as they unfold? Whether it feels like it or not, Libra season brings fruitful abundance granting all your wishes as they come true.

The coming weeks present ample opportunity to relish in affairs of self-love and nurture the process of becoming before we meet the rebirth of Scorpio next month. In the process, we’ll also be met with Mars retrograde, the Harvest full moon in Aries, and a solar eclipse, to name a few.

First, let’s discuss balance vs. harmony.

Yes. There is a difference and Libra season is the perfect opportunity to drop the rigid illusion of balance and pick up the practice of natural harmony. Ruler of partnership and justice, this astrological sign knows a thing or two about moving through the scales, tipping the weight, and meeting grace every step of the way.


n: an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to entail upright and steady


n: a pleasing arrangements of parts

An example of balance might look like strict measurements while baking where harmony might coincide more with the fluidity of dashing spices while cooking. Neither is right or wrong, but rather serves a specific purpose. Do you see your life more as a constricted baking recipe or more of a fluid meal? If we look at the world around us, harmony seems to be present in just about everything. From natural rhythms and life cycles, harmony requires resilience in trust that says, “I am right where I need to be.” Even when it doesn’t seem so obvious, the scales are always right where they belong.

As we move into some of the upcoming celestial events, you might observe areas in your heart, psyche, and overall life to consider where grips can loosen and where trust may expand. If you’d like some more support, or context, check out the Egyptian myth of Ma’at. It might be just as timely as Scorpio season is right around the corner honoring all things death and rebirth.

Full Moon in Aries

October 9 reels in Autumn’s first Hunter’s full moon in the fiery sign of Aries. As always, full moons are potent times for releasing emotions and limiting perspectives. However, when eclipse season is right around the corner, releasing becomes less of a nice thing to have and more of a must-do.

Of course, you are the boss here and you make your own decisions. If something doesn’t feel ready to be released, then it may not be time. However, the energy of Aries brings forth a fiery blaze to alchemize any old pains or unprocessed thoughts.

As you sit with these themes, you might ask yourself, “In what ways does letting go bring more harmony into my life? What does this harmony look like for me?” This might apply specifically to the relationship you have with yourself and with others.

Crystals for support during the full moon:

Moonstone to help you tap into the energies of harmony, safety, and emotion as you connect with what needs to be released

Carnelian to assist you in stepping into the courage it takes to make necessary changes and trust in the unforeseen.

Eclipse Season Returns

Eclipses are championed for their ability to bring about swift changes, end cycles, and birth new eras. This month’s new moon on October 25, brings a partial solar eclipse in Scorpio. Specifically so, areas highlighting our karmic past and any lingering grievances will be brought front and center.

Showing up for yourself and listening to any gems of wisdom during the Oct. 9, full moon will bring a lot of assistance during this eclipse. In a way, it can be seen as the pre-requisite assignment to connect before the sun flashes the earth. Remember, solar eclipses don’t often require any rituals for they are best to be received. Can you surrender to this solar event and trust in the work you have done thus far? 

Elements of relationships and self-identity will be strongly pronounced this month, and this eclipse serves as a cleansing slate as we make our way through the death of fall.

Harmony has no weight, knows no time—only justice.

Regardless of what you or your loved ones are experiencing during these changes afoot, you can trust in the properties of harmony to hold you through it all. The thing with harmony is in the truth it brings. As Libra rules of justice, how can you devote yourself to the timelessness of harmony? Where the sun shines, the moon glows elsewhere. While it may be Autumn here, it is spring on another corner. The changes that come forth may feel uncomfortable, but it is the harmony of flux where delights are birthed. In all seasons of life, you are right where you belong and there is justice in taking space to dance with every sway, twist and turn.


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