How to Navigate the 3 Stages of Scorpio with Grace

The veil is always thin and Scorpio season ushers us to embrace the sting—whether we like it or not.

As a fixed water sign, Scorpio drives the emotional Cancer and dreamy, life-giving Pisces through steamy chambers. It means war. It is death by evolution, justice in action. Scorpio’s greatest quality isn’t in its (helpful) intensity, but rather in the opportunity to meet heated waters with mellow shores. In doing so, new depths are solidified.

The Scorpion, the Eagle, and the Phoenix

There are three stages to Scorpio—the scorpion, the eagle, and the phoenix. Each stage depicts the journey from base consciousness to an enlightened evolution. Beware, this isn’t a “one and done” type of mission. This is a lifelong practice of unearthing the shadow, bringing it to the light, and nourishing it to take flight.

Consider how these stages might have appeared throughout the past couple of weeks. How can you look at old patterns with compassion and move with grace as you are reborn from the ashes?


In the first stage, the scorpion represents the base of our psyche and emotions. These darker and lower aspects cause the scorpion to react on an impulse that often stems from a lack of understanding. To protect itself from the perceived danger of growth, the scorpion will often retaliate with crutches like escapism to soothe the pain and discomfort.

Often, these crutches deal with physical/third-dimensional aspects like binge eating, abusing substances, numbing the mind with entertainment, etc. Eventually, the scorpion realizes to strip self-imposed patterns of destruction and old behaviors is through acceptance and transformation.


In the second stage of transformation, the eagle represents courage and intuition. Poised at a higher vantage point, the eagle can see all sorts of outcomes and makes decisions based on an elevated state of consciousness. This gives the eagle a strong sense of influence and power.

However, if improperly integrated, this can lead to toxic domination preventing Divine order from raining its blessings down. The eagle revisits themes of will and review motives behind actions before sweeping down for the kill.


The last stage brings the scorching waters of the scorpion and the transformed eagle into a final round of questioning everything that once felt familiar. Set the pride aside, eagle. The phoenix rips all chains of attachment, illusion, and negative power dynamics with a revitalizing burn. As the ashes fall where they may, the phoenix rises with an expanded aptitude for compassion and disillusionment.

5 Ways to Cultivate and Embody Grace During Scorpio Season

In taking the transformative journey from scorpion to phoenix, the following practices can be a wonderful way to guide yourself through personal waters. Don’t be fooled by illusory mile markers of success or expanded horizons. We can either trick ourselves into making larger prisons or we can observe without judgment and let the flames fuel a rebirth of liberation.

This particular season gives Scorpio extra spice, topped with an adornment of eclipses that govern overarching energies of change. Time makes its illusory effort and if you have been in tune and embracing themes due for an upgrade, this is your time to claim it. If you haven’t been aware, this is your time to commit to yourself. Evolution will go on, with or without you, and through cultivated grace, you’ll be able to hold your ground even amidst the flux. It is what you can always return to.

Devote yourself to your practices. 

If retrogrades are for rest and review, then eclipses are made for deepened devotion. Elaborate rituals and manifestations can often take a backseat. Under the glory of our sun, it all just becomes a bunch of games. Eclipses remind us that everything has already been done. We are in the marvels of fiery transfixions emit by an alchemized sun. Set yourself up with a foundational past-time that you can return to as eclipses unfold and traverse.

Whether you’ve been showing up to your practices every day or slipped away from your devotions, now is the time to recenter and deepen your commitment to self. You’ll thank yourself in the long run. Plus, you know you deserve it! Loyalty in this basic application of devotion only makes it easier to show up in the long run.

Dance with the shadow. 

Our shadow is always dancing, we just don’t always behold the vision to its full-out theatrics. When we do, it is often set toward a VIP view of shock, shame or disgust—better known as judgment. Embarrassed and called out, the ego sweeps in to keep the shadow safe. It means well, but we all know good intentions lead straight to hell. If we’re not careful this is where triggers appear and patterns formed.   

It is only through layers of the enchanted that the shadow opts to dance rather than perform. Finally, it’s gotten your attention! What will you do with it?

Get into the heart and free-write a journal entry or belt an unwritten song, and embody the purity within as it vibrates a new story through your being. Ground into the body and raise the heat on a bike ride as you sink into the freedom beyond thoughts.

To dance with the shadow is to transfix yourself in flow. This is how you feel it (the shadow, the pain).

Accept the darker parts of yourself.  

If forgiveness is for others, acceptance is for the self. How can you truly let something die if you sustain it to stay alive? Of course, this takes strength, is no weakness, and is not for the faint of heart. To move forward, you must show love and gratitude for all your previous version's pure intentions. They may have been just what you needed then and they played a pivotal role in paving where you are headed.

Grant them the grace and respect they deserve. Sometimes it's not just about stepping up to do the work but allowing the parts of you to step forward. Just as important it proves to step up and do the work, it is as fortuitous as allowing the stronger parts you’re becoming to step forward because it took an even stronger you to surrender and to trust enough in feeling it through.

Acknowledge the opportunities ahead.

Letting go is a myth. Strength is a legend. With any change, there beg moments of refined discernment. On one hand, you’ve acknowledged aspects that yearned for alchemy while on the other, nurtured the wolf’s agonizing thirst for blood. Perhaps that is the feat of preceding Libra or maybe it’s in governing forces to the natural ability for homeostasis. However, to avoid stalemate and stagnation, all decisions must be met with equivocal action.

As you experience new opportunities to make a choice, recognize the strength required in developing that keen sense of grace. Whether these moments show up as thought patterns, triggers, or behaviors, allowing yourself the space to regulate the nervous system and cultivate an integrated response is the foundational response. In bringing death (darkness) to light (rebirth), so too, do subconscious responses reach beyond the surface.

Anchor the magic.

Revel in rebirth. Choose this life over and over again. The phoenix will continue to move through life and death, so it is up to you in how you choose to cement new versions of yourself. Whenever an opportunity arises to choose your newfound liberation and embodiment, rest assured that it is only making you better at practicing discernment, courage, and grace. Once this part integrates, you might just find yourself moving through the process all over again, but with an opportunity to catalyze another part of you. With practice, your grace will arise as second nature and you’ll relish the decadence death and rebirth have to offer.

Lean on Community, Maximize Transformative Tools and Support

From community gatherings to helpful tools, you don’t have to move through change all alone. We offer a diverse range of hand-selected crystals you can charge and program with pure intention to assist in transformation. Pairing carnelian and tourmaline for scorpion dynamics is a great way to work through stage one. Carnelian will support the lower chakras through the creative burst of energy needed to forge the path toward higher eagle visions. As you step into stage two, you might work with Smoky Quartz as an ally in clearing illusory perspectives. You can work through each stage of Scorpio for a week with these stones and the practices above. As you approach stage three, fire agate is a wonderful crystal to keep the fire alive as you rise into your phoenix embodiment. Show up honestly and you’ll find yourself ready to kick it into energetic Sagittarius come to the end of the month. 

If you would like extra support throughout this season, need an extra ear, or want someone to help hold you accountable, connect with SoulShine founder and life coach, Courtney today. You can also join us for Ladies' Night on Friday, November 11 to enjoy all things tarot, jewelry, and magical conversations. Even if the nights are growing longer and getting colder, no flame burns brighter than the community. Happy Scorpio season!


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