Piscean Treasures Lie Deep Within… Are You Listening?

Just as nightfall marks the end of the day, Pisces season ends the zodiac calendar with intuitive and fluid grace. If you’re reading this, expect many transitions governed by the emotional and subconscious realms. Where do your longings meet the threshold of endings and new beginnings? More importantly, how do you give yourself space and show up to the many treasures that lie beneath the surface?

Pisces is the dreamer and this season is ripe with the opportunity to let yourself dream vividly, boldly, and unapologetically. Don’t just take it from me, either! All of the planets are stationed in direct transits, so there aren’t any tricky squares or confusing retrogrades to hold you back :) We are stepping into a new astrological year and as much as your ego may try, you just can’t take everything with you. So, how do you determine what stays for the transformation and what gets digested for integration? Well, let’s first take a dip into Piscean basics and then dive deep into the methods for making the most of this mutable water sign.

Presenting Pisces Season 2023: The Basics

Ruled by Neptune, Pisces is a mutable water sign meaning it easily adapts to different circumstances. For example, those with strong Piscean placements can identify with being deeply empathic and overly giving. For those just starting their journey, individuals might feel like a sponge, taking in all sorts of energies only to feel exhausted and depleted. This is often accredited to a lack of clear boundaries or over-exertion from a savior mentality. However, as one matures, Pisces can take these empathic abilities and transform them into compassion. Rather than taking in random energies, the evolved Pisces can transmute and offer wisdom through harmony.

Whether you strongly identify with Pisces or not, we all carry behaviors and hold agreements that can be upgraded for a grander vision. As Pisces season continues, try on some of the practices below to give your dreams and aspirations space to breathe. Remember, this is the end of the day, the closing of the year, so let yourself rest and marinate in the currents of your heart’s desires. Come Aries season, you’ll have all the internal answers to make your move.

4 Troves to Unearth Piscean Treasures

In its natural habitat, the fish swims through soft currents in stillness. It navigates powerful and destructive waves in silence. Again, through the lens of budding Piscean embodiment, this may manifest as a wishy-washy “go with the flow” energy. On the flip side, an evolved expression of this sign holds a stamina of what it means to trust and work with the surrounding elements. It is up to you to decide.

Stillness, Silence, Serenity

If you are ready for the latter, turn to prayer and meditation as a central point to return to your stillness. If these are already prominent in your practices, explore other opportunities to refreshen your horizons. Perhaps try a float bath to ease mental chatter and loosen muscle tension. The intention in all of these options is to work with water as a tool to enhance your intuitive ear.

Absorb and Release

A water sign or not, you’re a human being. You are made up of over 70% water and you are constantly taking in the world around you. With the sun in Pisces, our sensitivities are collectively heightened. Ring it out, girl!

If you’re on the go, make time for parking lot breaths. You don’t have to get out of the car the moment you turn the ignition off. Pause and recalibrate. These small pattern interruptions make a huge difference in cleansing any energies that do not belong to you while allowing you the space to recenter before going into the grocery store or getting home after a long day.

When you get home, practice energetic cleansing in the shower. Bonus points if you have Himalayan salt handy. Normally, the shower can be where we sing our hearts out or run through our day. This Pisces season I want you to make space to release absorptions through stillness. Stand beneath the shower head and let the water cleanse negative thought patterns.

The water carries memory and is coming through the pipes just for you. See if you can listen to what the water droplets have to say.

*If you have Himalayan salt, take a handful and rub your body to exfoliate and cleanse. Just as the sea is made of salt water, the energetic charge can cancel out the static in the energetic body.*


The sky is but a reflection of the sea. The stars are the guiding lights to sailors who have discovered new worlds and who return home. Despite the oceans and rivers being flowy, the sky provides input for fixed direction.

Dear dreamer, when was the last time you looked at the sky and felt the remembrance of all that came before you? Pisces season is the greatest time to connect with the constellations and make a wish upon a shooting star.

Again, this is a passive activity that allows the mind to take a step back and sink into the heart. Have a conversation with the sky and keep your ear out for the messages that seem to repeat themselves. While Pisces season is made for listening, Aries season will call upon your intuitive prowess to take action.

Dream Work

The dream realm can be viewed merely as a random sequence of information projecting visuals while you sleep… Or, it can be utilized as one of the most powerful tools in uncovering the subtle whispers of your soul.

Whether you remember your dreams every night or not, it is never too late to clock in those dream work hours. All you need is a journal and a pen. If you’re feeling fancy, prepare yourself some lavender (relaxation) and mugwort tea (psyche receptivity) to aid your transition into the dream realms.

Keep your dream journal by your pillow or on your nightstand. Spend time in stillness before reaching for your dream journal when you wake up. This allows the body to integrate without immediately jolting into the mind. As you slowly reach for your journal, jot down anything you remember. If you’re just starting, this can look like a list or random words scattered throughout the page. The more you practice, the better your memory will become and you’ll be able to recite the entire dream.

Pro tip: Write in the present tense. This keeps the dream fresh and alive which also helps in memory retention. You’ll find that as you write in the present tense more memories resurface.

The point of this isn’t just to remember your dreams but rather to connect with the symbols and the feelings you experienced throughout. How can these messages inform your day moving forward? Are there any recurring situations that shed light on the past? It is your dreamscape and only you know the answers. The more you listen and make space to be still, the clearer and more loudly your dreams will guide you.

Dream it into existence.

Surrender to the journey of Piscean opportunities and remain open. This sign is not of rationale or logic. So, if you find yourself budding heads with a friend or lover, give yourself the grace to return to the practices above. Rinse yourself from anything keeping you from the highest love you were meant to experience. Your dreams are knocking and only you can let them in.

Whether you realize it or not, everything you do informs and programs the subconscious mind. The same way we can program our crystals with pure intentions is the same avenue we can take when showing up to the methods above. Amplify your Piscean experience with Courtney’s hand selected crystals here. If you’re dream journaling, Amethyst can be a phenomenal tool in aiding memory, for example. Regardless, allow your intuition to guide you toward your precious stone.


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