Pursue the Four-Legged Journey into Spring's Alchemical Equinox

The shift from dark to light, winter to spring, holds a mysterious timelessness in its tracks. As the sun prepares to set later in the day, the extra hours may be filled with more reflection than production.

The Spring Equinox doesn’t just mark a new season, it pauses us amongst the threshold of change. It lies amongst the interpretive mark before we strive full force ahead. (Can anyone feel Aries season just waiting to charge forward?)

How did winter’s rest inform your inner soils as the weather ripens for blossom? What areas are you honoring as you dance between the shadow and your etheric essence? How does the marriage between these two forces give birth to a new perspective?

Calling in the Sacred Medicine of the Equine into the Equinox 

As we transition into a new season, it can be helpful to draw up symbols and motifs from myths and lore as we reflect on themes of change. While the story of Hades and Persephone is quite popular in recounting the elements of death and rebirth, I thought it would be fitting to bring in mythology relating to the Vikings and the sacred medicine of the equine. 

The Norse Myth of Sleipner’s Tale

In Norse mythology, the tale of Sleipner tells a story of an eight-legged horse born from the trickster god, Loki. Basically, there was a craftsman who visited Asgard with his horse claiming he could complete a series of intense labor in exchange for the sun, the moon, and Freyja, the Norse goddess of fertility. Foolishly, the gods agreed since they didn't think the craftsman (who was actually a giant in disguise) could do it. 

However, as the days passed and they realized the craftsman was almost finished, they devised a plan to squander his work. This is where Loki came in and disguised himself as a mare in heat to distract the craftsman’s horse. They were off all night mating and without his horse to help with labor, the craftsman felt short on his deliverables. The Norse gods were pleased to not have to give up the sun, the moon, and Freyja and instead killed the craftsman.

The result of the stallion and mare breeding gave birth to Sleipner, an eight-legged horse known as one of the most powerful steeds in all mythology. As a gift, Loki gave Sleipner to Odin as a token of their friendship and the horse accompanied Odin on vast missions and accomplishments. 

Sleipner is known as the central symbol of speed, strength, and the connection between different realms. With his eight legs, Sleipnir was said to be able to travel between worlds like the realms of the living and of the dead. As Odin's trusted mount, Sleipnir also symbolized loyalty and the bond between a rider and their horse. It is also said that Sleipnir represents the idea of transformation and the ability to overcome obstacles, as he was born from a trickster god's deception and went on to become one of the most famous and powerful horses in Norse mythology.

Traversing, Trotting, and Galloping into Upgraded Territory

The story of Sleipner carries various takeaways that can help us connect to the transformative nature of shifting seasons within, sacred horse spirit medicine, and navigating the realms of the subconscious (death) and the conscious (life) psyche. 

All in all, Sleipner represents victory and the ability to alchemize lower energies like deceit and manipulation, for example, and lead the highest calling to greater heights. As we dance with longer days and shorter nights, how can you stampede a new life into the areas that once seemed bleak? This is what horse medicine can do as we welcome the spring and usher forward.

4 Unique Healing Properties of Horses to Inspire & Emulate

Sleipner, the eight-legged horse, is just one out of many famous steeds like Perseus, the flying horse, Hippocampus, the seahorse that served Poseidon, and so on. The great legends and myths may carry grandiose elements, but they center around properties that exist even in the mundane layers of what we perceive in this dimension. In the same breath, the horses that grace us today carry the same medicine as those who have served the gods in mythology. 

Just by observing the natural world, we can pick out elements that speak directly to us and in this case, connecting to horse medicine may look like appreciating their regal nature, and their wise and highly empathic abilities. 

Horse and Mirror

If you’ve ever been around a horse, you may have felt the reflection they cast back to you. So, if you are radiating love and openness, you feel that energy matched which can further open your heart. On the other hand, if you feel intimidated or anxious, the horse who is acting as a mirror will reflect this back to you and if you are aware, you’ll be able to work through this and receive the horse’s medicine rather than resist. While the horse may be subtle, the energy is powerful. 

Horse and Sponge

Other times, a horse (like many animals) may feel its duty to take on the emotions of the human to help them feel better. This can be seen with service dogs, for instance. When a horse takes on the emotions of a human, it can be subtle for the person yet very dramatic for the horse. As with any kind of energy work, it is important to transmute clear energies. Most importantly, this aspect can be beneficial for self-healing. Whether you are connecting with a horse or sinking your feet into the warming soil, how can you release what no longer serves you with intention and post-care? Perhaps this may look like intentionally offering your pain to nature with a sacred gift like tobacco, flowers, or cacao. Remember, you already carry Sleipner’s great ability to transform.


Horse and Conduit

Where the reflective tendencies of horse medicine can merely alarm or trigger our blind spots, the absorption/sponge aspect can pose as a stagnant mote of mud and water. Where is the energy going? How can we flush what is meant to be transformed? Perhaps this is where we can connect with the regal personality of the horse and channel its medicine not to be a savior, but to support evolution. Think of the royal sea horse, Hippocampus, who navigated the waters (a diffusing element) to carry out the highest tasks for Poseidon. 

 Horse as Spiritual Alchemist 

In its highest evolution, horse medicine serves as the master alchemist by awakening the parts in slumber. This can be seen in the world around us as we move from winter’s slumber and into the reawakening of spring. Each experience is unique to the individual, subtle in occurrence yet dramatic in its results. 

Who will you blossom and unfurl as the weather warms? What is your alchemical gift to share as the flowers bloom? The equinox occurs on March 21st and you can approach this date as somewhat of a threshold. As you step through the door of a changing season, what elements are you restoring and how is your trusty steed helping you navigate your way through? Horse medicine is potent and if you feel called to work with the earth, peruse our hand selected crystals for extra support.

Support Courtney’s Equine Rescue and Sanctuary

It’s no secret horses carry a mystical healing force around them. From the rich history lessons to daily interactions, there is so much we can learn from these majestic creatures. Perhaps the greatest lesson is in our ability to protect their wild ways and support their freedom. While it is easy to appreciate the qualities of the equine, there are structures that exploit and inhibit their full expression. If you found this blog helpful in connecting to the spirit medicine of the horse, consider becoming active in Courtney’s equine sanctuary, Live Lucky Rescue. 

There is much in store for the liberation of horses, the healing of our people, and our interwoven similarities. Get involved with the Live Lucky Equine Rescue today as a volunteer or collaborator to spring the new season to a fruitful start!


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