Taurus is the Guiding Center Welcoming Eclipse Season with Solid Footing

We’re striding into a transformative eclipse season, Mercury retrograde is just days away and the celestial weather may have you feeling all sorts of things. Whether all is well in your world, you’re moving through changes, or are battling paralyzing stagnancy, take a deep breath. I see you and you are doing phenomenal. Trust in the coming weeks to guide you as Taurus season takes center stage with themes overlapping individuation, community, and material manifestations.

There is a lot of energy circulating our plane right now. Leave it too hard-headed yet down-to-earth Taurus to grace us with a center of gravity as we lean into the opportunity to rest and enjoy the ending of cycles and chapters anew. If there is one thing you take from this blog in the coming weeks, its to slow it down. Haven’t you heard? April showers bring May flowers ;) I trust you will stop to smell the roses.

Taurus holds ground amidst stellar changes.

You come from the stars and you are made of the earth. Taurus season teaches and reminds us no matter what is going on above or below, we can always find solid footing within. Where Aries season charged in like a stampede, Taurus season sinks us deeper into our center. This sign is the characterization of gravity, keeping us still, as this wild rock of a planet hurls through the waves of space.

The eclipse in Aries on April 20, 2023, isn’t a time for action or moving forward and neither is Mercury retrograde, starting on April 21, 2023, through May 14, 2023. Set your rituals aside and let fate unfold as destiny takes place. This is a time for stillness and deep listening. Here are a few factors to be aware of:

Hybrid Total Solar Eclipse in Aries:

Taking place on April 20, 2023, at 12:12 pm ET, this event carries potent Ram medicine. Act now, think later. Sound familiar? Aries energy represents all things new about life. Possibility mixed with passion and a little bit of naivete… Must you be so quick? Since solar eclipses occur during new moons, you might feel the pull to move through manifestation rituals. However, there isn’t much that needs to be done during an eclipse and quite frankly, there isn’t much you can do to stop it. So, how will you delve into the layers of your personal subconscious? Can you listen, through stillness, with the pace of a grounded bull? You’ll be surprised at the momentum that follows when you let yourself feel it all.

Mercury retrograde:

The planet of communication takes its infamous retrograde from April 21, 2023, through May 14, 2023, begging us to review and reassess communications and commitments. If you find it difficult to slow down, Taurus season has got you covered with support in this area. With two eclipses marking this retrograde’s starting and ending points, this is a remarkable time to take stock of what you’ve created so far. What areas do you desire to change? How can you slow down and listen to the direction your soul urges you to take? Once Mercury goes direct, take those journal entries and make it all happen, babe!

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio:

This eclipse occurs on May 5, 2023, and it brings the sting. Although Scorpio is typically regarded as a mysterious and secretive sign, the eclipse will bring forth a cathartic release for those willing to relinquish control and drop rigid expectations. The thing about eclipses is they don’t give you much of a choice. If you resist, fate will go on whether you like it or not. If this feels like a lot to take in, remember your emotions hold clues to fruitful solutions. If you find it scary to let go of old patterns, coping mechanisms, and relationships, then let yourself feel that fear. Sit with it and have an emotional cry. Do you get the theme here? Slow down and let the scorching waters of Scorpio’s fluidity rinse you clean.

The Art of Doing Nothing

We live in a society… That pretty much sums it up, huh?

Finding time to slow down is impossible. It may sound bleak, but the difference between finding the time and making time is a stark contrast in a culture that celebrates constant productivity. This is just as true in conscious circles, spiritual practices, and healing culture. Perhaps the two go hand in hand, in a capitalistic society, it can be easy to slip into a "constant go, repair this, heal that," mentality.  It happens to the best of us. Taurus season is the perfect opportunity to celebrate the art of doing nothing. If that feels foreign, don’t worry I’ve got some simple methods for you—because you don’t have to go out to the mountains or trek across the seas to be with yourself.

Flower Intelligence

The wisdom flowers carry can be seen in their delicate strength, timeless adoration, and abundant grace. The flower doesn’t beg for your affection and it sure as heck doesn’t rush its blossoming. It may even be the perfect muse for modeling your signature in the art of doing nothing—the most honorable exchange.

Where the flower starts as a seed, in the dark soil, receiving nourishment from below the surface, the subconscious drive of life is ever-present. There is no certainty of rain or sunshine. The weather is always subject to change. However, there is trust in all life has to offer. Through thick and thin, the flower receives all nature provides and gives back with a presence so strong. What if existence was this simple and honest? Perceptions and stories often play their role, rightfully so. At the same time, could there be room for more surrender? Either way, the eclipses and retrograde will usher the excess out of your life. Why not work with the energies and turn it into a bouquet worth enjoying.

Questions to explore as you navigate flower intelligence this eclipse season:

  • In what ways do I feel in the dark? Are there any uncertainties surrounding the next steps in fulfilling my destiny?

  • What elements of support surround me? How can I sink deeper into these roots?

  • When was the last time I felt like this? What lessons did I learn and how did I make it through?

  • Where am I at the end of this? How does life feel here when I am blossomed in the sunshine?

  • How can I create more stillness today? Do I have any fears about slowing down? 

Navigate through the stars

There is enough going on in the sky right now, I know. At the same time, here is also a lot we can gain from lying face up on the ground, gazing at the stars, and letting the story unfold. When was the last time you spent hours looking up, without your phone or distractions, anyway?

We’ll have the perfect opportunity to stargaze on April 23, 2023, during the Lyrid meteor shower. With a newly waxing moon, the sky will be free from lunar light pollution making for pristine conditions. Do some research and find a spot that is far from city lights as you slow down with yourself or a loved one. Set an intention and take in the night—maybe make a wish or two.

Slow it down with your soul tribe

The fine balance between being productive and getting rest can feel like a riddle at times. Just so we’re clear, sleep and rest are two different things and I deeply encourage you to assess any areas in your life where you might benefit from more rest. Quality rest may take the form of enjoying a cup of tea under a shaded tree or sitting on the porch and enjoying the way the leaves dance in the wind. It can look like going to your favorite cafe and ordering your beverage ‘to stay’ instead of ‘to go.’ 

If working with crystals is in your practice or something you’d like to explore, consider our Green Calcite as your go-to stone this Taurus season. Not only is it a wonderful selection to relieve stress and facilitate deep presence, it also works well with the surrounding energies of the eclipses and the often confusing retrograde. Most importantly, these moments of rest are intended to slow you down, pause your thoughts, and allow clarity to bloom.

Don’t forget to book a reading with our tarot reader, James if you’re calling in more support during this time. The SoulShine community offers a plethora of pop-up events, tarot readings, and healing in addition to Courtney’s life coaching and hand-picked crystal selection. Stop in or call to book an appointment today. We can’t wait to see you!


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